Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security

Mobile Business I - Technology, Markets, Platforms, and Business Models


Basic Information
Type of Lecture: Lecture
Course: Master
Hours/Week: 3
Credit Points: 6
Language: English
Term: Winter 2023/2024
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Content of the Course

Description: Learning Goals and Competencies

      • Basic understanding of business models of online and mobile business (LGBWL-5)
      • Basic understanding of location-based services and its architectures (LGBWL-1)
      • Ability to design and evaluate digital business models and concepts with regard to data security and protection (LGBWL-1)

Description of the course:

The "Mobile Business" lecture series provides an introduction to technologies and economic principles defining these markets. Students will be qualified to identify success factors of mobile business models and to judge possible application scenarios. Starting with the basics of mobile communication services, emphasis will be put on an analysis of the interaction between individuals and mobile devices/services.

This includes a historical overview of the development of mobile communication infrastructures, services, and protocols. Based on this, students will be qualified to identify the possibilities and limitations of mobile business applications and business models in order to consider the resulting opportunities and challenges when deriving the success factors. Characteristic attributes of mobile services, especially in contrast to electronic services, will be outlined and considered in an analysis of the current market environment for mobile business applications. Furthermore, traditional as well as emerging business models will be discussed. The course concludes with a presentation and discussion of several exemplary application scenarios. Students will be able to reflect on specific attributes of mobile applications, analyse new scenarios, and draw connections to traditional and established scenarios.

The 2nd part of this lecture series (Mobile Business II) focuses on the variety of opportunities and challenges that are offered by mobile communication technologies and their specific properties and which need to be considered and addressed by companies and regulators. The overall objective of the course is to provide advanced knowledge about mobile applications and mobile services, ranging from technical to economic aspects. Students will be qualified to realise the inherent commercial potential proactively and to identify and address challenges and problems in the area of mobile business. An important facet of this is the discussion of international regulation and its implications on the development and application scenarios for mobile services.

Architectures for mobile services and their development are the focus of the first part of the course. This includes topics such as security and privacy, usability, and the role of standardisation. The presentation of exemplary application areas will allow students to understand and question how different design aspects are considered in current scenarios. The course concludes with a state-of-the-art overview of current mobile business research topics and activities, enabling students to understand the lines of research and draw connections to already existing mobile business applications and scenarios.

Please note that the guest lectures are exam relevant and should be attended in person!


The literature and the agenda is being updated...

Please check below for recent updates with E3 and L13.
The time for the Q&A session is changed (to the morning). Please check and consider it.


The current agenda is just to fix the dates/times, and the content will be updated accordingly.


Agenda: Is being updated...

Date  Time  Type   No. Documents.  
17.10.23   14-16  Lecture 01  Introduction to Mobile Business I    Slides
24.10.23 14-16  Lecture 02  Mobile Telecommunication Infrastructures    Slides
24.10.23 16-18  Lecture 03  Wireless Internet-oriented Infrastructures and Protocols    Slides
31.10.23 14-16  Lecture 04  Mobile Communication Services    Slides *
07.11.23 14-16  Guest Lecture  Stefan Gärtner
(Changes in the Telco Industry)
07.11.23 16-18  Exercise  Technology Basics I - VL02-04  

 Exercise File

14.11.23 14-16  Guest Lecture  Daniel Otto-Schleicher
(Evolution of the Payment System in Modern Businesses)


21.11.23 14-16  Lecture 05  E-Business vs. M-Business    Slides
21.11.23 16-18  Lecture 06  Market Structure and Value Chain    Slides
28.11.23 14-16  Lecture 07  Business Models    Slides
05.12.23 14-16  Lecture 08  Smartcards and Infrastructures    Slides
05.12.23 16-18  Lecture 09  Mobile Devices    Slides
12.12.23 14-16  Exercise  Economics Basics I - VL05-07  

 Exercise File

19.12.23 14-16  Lecture 10  Concepts of Mobile OS    Slides
19.12.23 16-18  Lecture 11  Mobile OS and Security Aspects - Examples    Slides *
09.01.24 14-16  Exercise  Technology Basics II - VL08-10  

 Exercise File 

16.01.24 14-16  Lecture 12  Trusted Devices    Slides
16.01.24 16-18  Lecture 13  Acceptance and Success Factors in Mobile Business    Slides
23.01.24 14-16  Lecture 14  Current Research    
30.01.24 14-16  Guest Lecture  Sebastian Fritsch
 (5G Security)
30.01.24 16-18  Lecture Q&A (Please send your questions in the period of 22.01-26.01 to be discussed in the Q&A session)    
06.02.24 14-16  Exercise  Economics Basics II - VL11-13  

 Exercise File





The language of the exam is English.
The exam is also to be answered in English.
Permitted aids: Dictionary – native tongue to English



The Examination Office will organize the written exam on-site and set the date of the written exam centrally. You will find the exam dates on the website of the Examination Office soon.

Old exams

Previous MOB1 Exams (up to 2011)

MOB1 exam (WS13/14)

MOB1 exam (SS16)